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Bite at the Museum

Play as Tony the baby Tyrannosaurus and rex shop like never before. Tricera-top the scoreboard as you styrac up dino-mite combos! Veloci-rip through 3 unique exhibits! Stego around and ptera down all sorts of displays and cause a giganto mess! Ankylosaurus!

Roles: Producer, Designer, Composer

Engine: Unreal

Team Size: 13

Production Dates: August 2020 - May 2021

(Fully Remote)


As the producer...

I led a team of 13 undergrads in making our capstone game. This involved running stand-ups twice a week and giving update presentations to the class and professors every two weeks. We'd then receive feedback and I'd take that and organize our next two week sprint. Tasks were created by me with feedback from leads and distributed via Trello. I also made sure to meet with every member of the team at least once a week for a check-in. 

As the designer...

I gave the initial pitch (while wearing an inflatable T-Rex suit, of course) and was one of 14 games selected to be made out of 100. We initially proto-typed this game to be similar to Untitled Goose Game. I designed several puzzles around a museum that you'd solve as a dinosaur while knocking stuff about. After setting up the physics of it, we realized it was just way more fun to destroy stuff. We agreed to pivot the game to be an arcade-style destructathon. 

Just Another Museum
00:00 / 01:24
Dinosaur Exhibit
00:00 / 01:24
Egyptian Exhibit
00:00 / 01:24
Medieval Exhibit
00:00 / 01:24

As the composer...

I wrote the main theme played during gameplay. There were four versions of this theme that would change instrumentation depending on what exhibit you were in starting with the Just Another Museum in the lobby. As you walked into another exhibit, the current instrumentation would mute and the new instrumentation would pick up right where the other left off. These themes would also double in tempo when time was almost up. 

"Actually, I never did any of those things. Teddy Roosevelt did. I was made in a mannequin factory in Poughkeepsie. I never shot a wild beast. I'm not even brave enough to tell that beautiful woman I love her. But you, you gotta finish the job this time. You can't quit. I'm made of wax, Larry.
What are you made of?"
-Wax Teddy Roosevelt

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