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Letters Home

Letters Home is about the losses of World War 1. You play as a nameless soldier delivering a letter from one end of the trenches to the other. With enemies around every corner, death is inevitable. Upon the end of the day, the player is able to read actual letters written by soldiers during the war.

Roles: Producer, Designer, Composer

Engine: Unity

Team Size: 5

Production Dates: January 2020 - May 2020

(Second half done remotely)

Letters Home.png

As the producer...

I led a team of 5 undergrads with the goal of making an alternative game. This involved leading weekly meetings to check in on progress, managing and assigning tasks via Trello, and processing feedback received from our professor. The whole process was made especially difficult as it was performed during the spring semester of 2020 in which we went fully remote halfway through. 

As the designer...

I pitched the initial idea and acted as vision holder for the project. I sketched out some initial level designs with various obstacles and events that would occur and worked with other members of the team to map out other cohesive levels as well. I also researched and found all the actual letters used in the game. 

As the composer and sound finder...

A Broken Promise
00:00 / 02:12

I wrote and recorded the main theme that we used during the gameplay. It's meant to sound like a lone soldier playing the guitar in the distance. I also found a majority of the sound effects used in the game and recorded a voiceover for all the letters in what was attempted to be various British accents. 


"It's always the same. When you fire the first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill... before everybody does what they were ALWAYS going to have to do from the very beginning! SIT. DOWN. AND. TALK."
-The Doctor

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