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Levers In Color

This is an alternative game designed to simulate color blindness for the average person. Incredibly simple objectives are made seemingly impossible until you get the glasses to gain traditional vision. See the world through another lens with Levers In Color. 

Roles: Producer, Designer

Engine: Unity (Made for mobile)

Team Size: 5

Production Dates: Oct. 2022 - Nov. 2022


As the producer...

I led a team of 6 undergrads with the goal of making an alternative game about color blindness. This involved leading standups twice a week and organizing tasks via Trello. I wrote out all of the tasks and worked with the team to ensure they were getting done. I also had to do some inter-team conflict management with someone on the team who really seemed to fight us on most of our decisions but it was a really good experience at the end of it all. 

As the designer...

One of the constraints for this assignment was that it had to be in a designated art style. Our team had received neo-impressionism and several of us thought it was reminiscent of the color blind tests eye doctors give. This inspired our main idea. I also suggested infusing it with a song called "Levers" by Roland Faunte. That helped set the tone of the game and inspired the puzzles. I then sketched out a general design of the island and the puzzles the player would interact with. 


"Levers, and pulleys, and spindles of rope
In that perfect machine that I used to be, something broke
And then a thought so unnatural that it felt like perfection
Came and knocked on my door, and in time I just let it in"
-Roland Faunte

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